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  • Writer's pictureNick Lees

Move to HTTPS, or Now You'll Lose Business

As of 3 days ago, Google now marks all non-HTTPS sites with a big, fat "not secure" warning.

HTTPS refers to an encryption that keeps user data secure on a website. You'll probably recognize it like this: 

What does HTTPS Encryption Do?

Practically speaking, a site that DOESN'T have that HTTPS jeopardizes user safety. It's easier for hackers to steal passwords and credit card info. An eavesdropper can track which web pages a user is visiting. Creepy stuff. 

That's why Google's now REALLY pushing HTTPS.

Consequences Of Not Securing Your Site

Non-adherence can harm your business as the red "Non-Secure" warning will discourage potential leads and customers. Since 60% of internet users use Chrome as their primary browser, this could reasonably obstruct the majority of your website leads. 

Furthermore, a non-HTTPS site can derail your advertising and SEO campaigns. With ads, a non-encrypted site can cost you lots in bounced clicks and lowered quality scores. As for SEO, Google has flat-out admitted that HTTPS is a ranking factor in their organic search results.

What You Need To Do

Work with your web developer to implement the HTTPS on your server. Once installed, have your SEO specialist clean up duplicate content and 404 error issues that inevitably arise. Make sure to update all HTTP references to HTTPS within your site, plugins, scripts/templates and in Google Analytics & Google Search Console. Likewise, update all URLs in your advertising platforms (Google, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc). 

Questions? Shoot me a line. 


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